In addition to Maple Hill Software’s OnLine printable Help, there are now two new manuals available in printed form. Maple Hill Software has just released a new color and b&w illustrated manual:
Patternland Step-By-Step guide is a task-oriented manual
in four parts: Introductory, Core, Special and a final section devoted
to Network Drafting. The guide is 100 pages in length. Using
loom control and the creating a tapestry-style design in the Design Editor
are also explained. Program tasks and concepts are introduced in
simple terms as the user might encounter doing them. It is also an
attempt to synthesize program functions by task and provide documentation
for frequently asked questions. This guide will be available to PWSW
users. Part 1 is available from our Download
Page as a zipped MS Word document.
Another new reference manual titled Patternland for the Computer Illiterate
Weaver has just been released by Eleanor Best, a recognized teacher and
author of books on computer aided design for weaving and the process of
woven design. Her new manual provides detailed instructions to help
you get started and learn the basics. She combines tutorial style
task-oriented explanations with illustrations and concise definitions.
Advanced topics include block substitution. It is extremely well-organized
with color and b&w illustrations, a table of contents, a complete index
and is spiral bound. It is 54 pages in length. You can order
this manual from Eleanor Best at the address below. The two manuals
have different approaches to learning Patternland and cover different advanced
topics making them complementary to one another.