What's New in Version 6.07

The most important enhancements for Version 6.07, released January 1, 2000, are:

The most important enhancements for Version 6.06, released January 25, 1998, are:
The most important enhancements for Version 6.05a, released June 15, 1997, are:
The most important enhancements for Version 6.05, released May 11, 1997, are:
The following document is the nitty gritty listing of all changes made in each release of the program. It includes new features, enhancements, and bugs fixed.

Copyright (c) 1996-2000, Maple Hill Software

Changes to Patternland made with each version are described in 
the following sections. The current version is listed first. 

If you have an earlier version, you can read this document to 
decide whether to download the latest program. We recommend that 
you stay current. It is not possible to list every change, but a 
serious attempt has been made to do so. 



VERSION 6.07 January 1, 2000

Feature Additions:

Paste Special | Intersect Paste Mode

A new mode for the clipboard called Paste Intersect 
supports a function important to network drafting. When 
one shaft or tieup combination is pasted over another, only 
those shafts common to both remain after the paste. It is 
the intersection of the two which results.

This version supports Paste Intersect for the threading, 
treadling, tieup, liftplan and the design editor (see 
below). It is not supported for Insert mode since the 
result would always be nothing. 

Paste Special | Merge and Intersect Paste Modes

Added support for Merge and Intersect in Paste Special for 
the Design Editor. The Data Subset mode along with Merge 
Data turns on the Merge function for Paste Special. If Link 
Threads with Data is OFF, the area of the merge which was an 
intersect is set to the default Design Tool ID. Its RGB mix 
is set to Black because the Design itself is not available 
to the clipboard.

Paste Intersect is turned on with the Intersect button. The 
resulting color is derived from the design that is pasted 
over the underlying one.

New Toolbar Button

An X-like icon provides a Delete Range option on the 
toolbar. It presents the Delete dialog box regardless of 
the active drawing tool.

Command Line Parameters

Added support for command line parameter for initial 
filename. Supports autoloading pww, pwv, wif, and pwd 

For example, C:\pwsw\pwsw.exe myweave.pww would 
automatically load the weaving "myweave.pww" if it exists.

Because of this new feature, you can now associate pww, wif 
and pwd file extensions to Patternland using Windows 
Explorer. After this is done, Explorer will automatically 
load Patternland when you double click a weaving or design 

Patternland is now packaged on CD or by Internet. The
Patternland Step-by-Step Reference Guide is now included
in PDF format on the CD, providing searchable access to the
manual. Also included is a free Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0; check
the Adobe web site for the latest free reader.

The Patternland license file now created by Patternland after 
you enter a Registration Key Code using Help|About|Registration.
"Rsetup.exe" is no longer needed. Your license key code is 
provided on paper and/or email.

Feature Revisions:

Warp, weft, tieup, and design button bars now support up to 255 

Increased limits for number of blocks created at New Weaving or 
New Design time to 255.

Increased maximum block ID to 512. (This effectively limits 
the number of useful blocks to 512, although blocks with 
duplicate block IDs can be created.)

Adjusted size of graphic tieup block: when spacing is small, 
don't reduce from spacing at all. At 15 pixels and above, 
reduce by 1 pixel border on all sides.

New or Revised Help Topics:

Version History
Edit | Clipboard Options Dialog

Bugs Fixed:

Bug in footer frame printing, causing notefile to print 

Default Blocks:
The settings for the default warp, weft, tieup, and design 
blocks were not being saved correctly by the Format Limits 
dialog. The default blocks setting determines the number 
of these blocks created for a NEW weaving. It does not 
limit the number of blocks allowed. (See new features.) 

Problems deleting columns in design editor: 

Column range not reset when deleting columns.
Row Range not reset when deleting rows.
Design Editor does not recreate or redraw like threading 
which drops verticals
Design Editor does not recreate when deleting columns/rows
Format Limits dialog does reset range when reducing limits, 
but does not increase range when increasing limits.
Mini-display is not informed that the design editor has 
reduced its limits.

Block labels did not support no text. When the label was 
set to blank it caused a program crash. 


VERSION 6.06 January 25, 1998

Feature Additions:

Support for AVL CompuDobby II, including extensive support for 
AVL CDII Cartridge. Patternland can program the cartridge
directly or write cartridge image files which can be loaded into 
the cartridge later. You can import and export patterns and 
create cartridge backups. Several reports are also available to 
print directories of your cartridges. The new cartridge image 
file format stores 10 liftplans with over 5000 picks in a single 
file. This file format can be used independently of the AVL 
cartridge or loom interface.

Control + Home and End keys have been implemented to jump to the 
beginning or end of editors or mini-display.

Edit | Goto... brings up a dialog box showing the current range 
of the active editor or mini-display. Key in a new value and the 
window is repositioned beginning with the warp/weft or row/column 
you specifed. The cursor is placed on the selected position. If 
you specify a beginning thread closer to the end of the 
weaving/design than the size of the current window, the window 
will be repositioned to the end of the weaving or design, and the 
beginning thread number will be adjusted to fill the screen. In 
an editor, the cursor will still be positioned at the requested 

The Goto dialog includes a Synchronize checkbox. If you check it, 
all related windows will be repositioned, i.e., if the 
mini-display is the active window you are repositioning, any open 
editors related to the minidisplay will also be repositioned. 
Conversely, if you reposition the threading editor, for example, 
the mini-display warp range will also be repositioned to match the 
beginning thread of the threading editor.

Control + G is the keyboard shortcut for Goto.

New Goto Toolbar button for quick access and instant sync (with 
Control key). This button also brings up the Goto Dialog. But 
if you hold the Control (or Shift Key) while pressing the 
Goto/Sync button, you bypass the dialog and simply synchronize the 
other windows.

Feature Revisions:

Revised LIPS interface to support 48 shafts.

New or Revised Help Topics:

Program | AVL Cartridge
Program | Loom Control 
Edit Menu | Goto
Quick Keys
Keyboard Data Entry

Bugs Fixed:

AVL CompuDobby:
Beginning a weaving session did not initialize the first row 

Solenoids did not reset on closing loom control session.

Save button did not deinitialize solenoids and end weaving session 
after saving file.

Resume button to reload weaving did not initialize the current 

Windows 3.1:
In the Unified Editor, Highlight lines around the active editor pane were 

Cursor was invisible until activated with shifter toolbar button 
or Control +S.

Weavings larger than 8000 warp or weft caused program crash. 
Limits now reduced to 8000 warp by 8000 weft.

Smart Cursor with Control key switches diagonal direction when 
inputing with the spacebar. Switching directions in treadling or 
liftplan used opposite horizontal diagonal instead of vertical 

Help for Format | Weaving says that the status checkboxes set 
there control the weaving as a whole and points out that Warp and 
Weft are grayed for the Editor checkbox in Format | Styles. Yet, 
the appearance of the weaving editor was actually controlled by 
warp and weft status. Therefore it was not possible to turn off 
the Weave Editor in the Unified Editor. Draft Selected Editors 
worked correctly. It now works as described in the help for 
Format | Weaving.

Clicking into a Weave Editor in a weaving over 1900x1900 threads 
sometimes caused a program crash with Integer Overflow message.

Text in status bar showing the range of a mini-display exceeded 
available space above 1000x1000. Increased spacing in Status bar.

Toolbar hints did not show in palette style toolbar if it had the 

VERSION 6.05a June 15, 1997

Feature Enhancements and Revisions: 

Units: EPI/PPI and EPC/PPC have been added to the available
units. (Ends per Inch/Picks per Inch and Ends per Centimenter
Picks per Centimeter).

New or Revised Help Topics: 


Bugs Fixed: 

WIF file writer failed to write Color Palette and Color Table 


VERSION 6.05 May 11, 1997

Feature Additions: 

Design Editor: New Mini-Display of the Design dynamically 
updates while editing the design. Mini-Display automatically 
switches between weaving and design depending on the active 

Design Editor: Implemented Paste Special|Flip, Mirror, and 
Rotate 180. 

Design Editor: Edit|Cut and Edit|Clear implemented. These 
options delete a marked block of design pixels, not rows 
and columns. Standard keyboard shortcuts available, including 

Design Editor: Insert and Delete rows and columns with Insert, 
Control+Delete, Plus, and Minus keys. Control+Delete is 
Edit|Clear Special. The other functions have no menu 

Design: Style files now save and open automatically with 
design, based on the setting of the same Program | Setup 
switches as the weaving. 

New control of Weaving draft logic with Format|Weaving|Show 
Undefined Threads.

Loom Control: Added new Auto Stop and Auto Reverse options. 

Threading, Tieup, Treadling, Liftplan: Data Editors now allow 
insertion and deletion of shafts and treadles using the plus 
and minus keys to expand or contract. The tieup editor now 
uses insert and delete for treadles and +- for shafts. 

File Information Writer 
A new button in the File Information Dialog appends file 
and title information to a file called filelist.txt in the 
pwsw directory. You can open or print the file for 
documentation of your weavings. (Control + Enter from the 
File | Open Dialog to access Info dialog) 

Feature Enhancements and Revisions: 

The Library of sample weavings has doubled in size. New 
directories and files have been added, including 
a 4-shaft honeycomb weave, 6-harness waffle weave, 10-shaft 
matelasse double weave, and 3 new design files, as well as 
networks for the design editor and a completed 24-shaft 
network draft. 8 WIF files allow mixing and matching various 
components of a 24-shaft weaving. Two loom control 
directories contain weavings with style setups tailored for 
large size text; this allows viewing the screen from a 
distance while weaving. 

All Weaving, Design, and WIF files in the library are now 
listed in a comprehensive Library File Listing document in the 
root Library directory. The file is called LibrList.txt and 
an icon in the Patternland program group lets you view it with 

Status line shows color and symbol number if color or symbol 
tool are active.

Supports Revised WIF Version 1.1 standard. This new release 
will be supported by at least 7 software programs in the near 

Symbol Sets can now convert characters beyond "G"/16.

Louët Magic Box loom interface support. Major rewrite, 
including optimization and: 
Added keyboard support for Control to drop, and Shift to 
raise shafts manually. 
Added Spacebar to toggle direction with keyboard. 
Above keys work if newly enabled Use Keyboard checkbox is 
Start Test can optionally read the Magic Box Version 

Design Editor spacebar input/erase implemented. 

Accelerator Keys have been changed or added to be more 
consistent with Windows standards: 

Ctrl + X: Edit|Cut 
Ctrl + C: Was Window|Close Editors. Now Edit|Copy 
Ctrl + V: Was Print|Preview Weaving Now Edit|Paste 
Ctrl + W: New Print|Preview Weaving 
Ctrl + L: New Window|Close Editors 
Ctrl + Z: Undo 

Delete: Delete has been renamed Clear on the menu 
Ctrl + Delete: Clear Special has been added to clear data 

Pencil and Eraser Mouse Cursors switch automatically when 
right button is pressed to activate opposite action. 

New or Revised Help Topics: 


Patternland Weave Simulator for Windows Step-By-Step How 
To... Reference Guide. Jyoti Coyle. This 100-page printed 
guiede is now available from Maple Hill Software. 

Loom Control (Louët, Auto Reverse, Auto Stop) 
Independent Editors (status line) 
Tutorial: Primary and Edit Windows (status line) 
Tutorial: Editing a Weaving Step 18 was missing copy step. 
Format Weaving and Design: Show Undefined threads. 
Edit Menu: Clear and Clear Special 
Quick Keys: new shortcut keys 
Keyboard Data Entry: using insert and delete 
Title and Artist Information: writing Filelist.txt log file 
File Dialog: (See also references added) 
How to Get Information about a File: (see also ref.) 

Bugs Fixed: 

Various WIF issues addressed along with new Version 1.1 

Print Preview for a design file loaded from a long path--more 
than 31 characters--caused abnormal incident. 

Design palette not set when previewing design. Design shows 
ok, but color bar shows weaving. 

Program crash in Find and Replace of liftplan if threads not 
linked with data. 

AVL Loom button while harness up caused compudobby buzzing. 

AVL Loom button Resume caused program abnormality. 

Paste to design editor from weave editors if source block did 
not start on thread 1 was incorrect. 

Possible for mouse to get trapped in the editors if left and 
mouse button pressed quickly. Resolution: Removed 
autoscrolling functionality for right mouse button. 


VERSION 6.04 December 22, 1996

Feature Additions:

Louët Magic Box loom interface support for Louët Magic Dobby.

Library of weaving files provides a variety of patterns which 
can be loaded and viewed. A new directory of sample palettes
is also included. Use Program|Colorbar to set maximum buttons
to 128.

Feature Revisions:

Loom Control Shifter button now works whenever shuttle tool is
active, instead of only when loom control window has focus.

Increased Trial Edition time-out from 10 to 15 minutes.

Internal debug error-checking and information has been removed,
resulting in a smaller executable file and increased performance. 

New or Revised Help Topics:

Program | Loom Control

Bugs Fixed:

Showed weaving name for Design filename on preview and print. 
Design not centered on print.
Opening a file while loom control shuttle tool active could cause
Resaving an older style file could not save editor graphpaper on.
Character mode print and preview threading showed as profile mode.
Upper ranges were not reduced automatically by deleting threads in

VERSION 6.03 November 10, 1996

Feature Additions:

Draft | Quick Utilities | Reverse Tieup/Liftplan
Shows reverse side of weaving.
Draft | Quick Utilities | Heddle Count
Provides Display and Report file.
Window | SizeToFit Editors
Reduces all editors to size of current main window.
Now called automatically when independent editors are created
Draft | Quick Utilities | Color/Symbol Count
Color | Quick Utilities | Color Count
Symbol| Quick Utilities | Symbol Count
Above three menu options access the same Color/Symbol Count 
dialog. Provides color and symbol count display plus 
reports that include Yarn yardage and cost calculations. 
The default values for this dialog are stored in a new 
section of the pwsw.ini file called REPORTS. 

Feature Revisions:

Graphpaper is now selectable independently for the Editors and 
for Print, Preview or Display. New settings are stored in the 
style file. Older style files will automatically convert 
editor graphpaper to printer settings. 

Draft | Quick Utilities | Floats Report
Now includes Prompt for Filename and Append to File 
options. Allows combining Floats Report, Heddle Count, and 
Color Symbol Count reports into same file. 

Pen and Brush Dialog
Tool name can now be up to 80 characters and changeable by 
user. Allows a descriptive name that could include 
descriptive color name plus yarn source and stock number. 
These names are printed in a summary list with the Color 
Count report. Also displayed in the hint window when mouse 
hovers over a Color bar button. 

New or Revised Help Topics:

Format | Graphpaper
Draft | Quick Utilities | Reverse Tieup/Liftplan
Draft | Quick Utilities | Heddle Count
Window | SizeToFit Editors
Color/Symbol Count
Pen and Brush Dialog

Bugs Fixed:

Screen cursor disappeared in an independent editor with 
scrollbars which has been scrolled. 

AutoScrolling in independent editor with scrollbars was too 
fast to control. Now requires autoscrolling requires 
continuous mouse motion to keep scrolling. Now very 
controllable. This is especially important for marking large 
sections for clipboard editing. 


VERSION 6.02 October 14, 1996

Feature Additions or Revisions:
Added Float Count feature: 
Draft | Quick Utilities | Floats Report

New or Revised Help Topics:
Float Count

Bugs Fixed:
Program crash scrolling down editor at weft rows above 1500 if
Loom Pointer not set at visible row.

Program crash during Display or Print Preview when weft row 
reaches 1000. 

Setup program dialogs truncate some lines when using small 
fonts configuration. 


VERSION 6.01: September 11, 1996

Feature Additions or Revisions:
Recalc Treadling (useful after loading WIF components)
Recalc Liftplan (useful after loading WIF components)
MagicTieup (useful after loading WIF components)

Automatic Welcome help first five loads

New or Revised Help Topics:
Getting Started
Tutorial Contents
Tutorial: How to Use the Tutorial
Tutorial: Primary and Edit Windows
Tutorial: Initial Program Setup
Tutorial: Entering a Draft
Tutorial: Displaying a Draft
Tutorial: Printing a Draft
Tutorial: End of Tutorial
How to... topics:
How to Overlay Data from Two Weave Editors (Paste data 
subset merge) 

How to Produce Wrapping in a Weave Data Editor (Paste 

Bugs Fixed:
Message in Magic Tieup
Bug in Copy/Repeat for warp/warp or weft/weft


VERSION 6.00: August 1, 1996

First formal release.



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Copyright © 1997 Maple Hill Software
Last updated: 3/30/2008